Undoubtedly one of the most popular indicators of the emotion of the market is the volatility index or VIX. The VIX offers traders the chance to earn from the volatility. It is also a good tool for risk evaluation.
What is the VIX?
The VIX or Volatility Index was invented by the Chicago Board Options Exchange. It serves as the first basis to measure market volatility. However, because the index is forward-looking, it only shows the implied volatility of the S&P 500 (SPX) for the following 30 days.

The Volatility Index is derived as a percentage based on the pricing of SPX index options. The S&P 500 is most likely to experience a decline if the VIX value rises, whereas a decline in the VIX value indicates that the index is likely to be stable.
The US stock market usually uses the VIX as its benchmark even if it exclusively gauges S&P 500 volatility.
Because traders and investors tend to start purchasing options when something worries the market, the price of options is seen to be a good indicator of volatility. The VIX reflects the level of market stress and dread, which is why it is often referred to as the "fear index."
The VIX works best when utilized in conjunction with a historical analysis of support and resistance lines because the present volatility cannot be predicted in advance.
Why should you trade VIX?
Due to their significant negative correlation with the stock market, traders and investors frequently choose VIX-linked instruments for hedging, diversification, and sheer speculation.
You might potentially balance out other stock investments in your portfolio and hedge your market exposure by placing a stake in the Volatility Index.
Consider holding long positions in the stocks of US businesses that were S&P 500 constituents. Despite the fact that you think it has long-term potential, you want to lessen your exposure to any potential short-term volatility. In anticipation of rising volatility, you choose to create a position to buy the VIX. You might even out these positions by doing so.
Gains from your current trade may help to offset your losses on your VIX position if you were mistaken and volatility didn't rise.
How To Trade The VIX
Figure out how VIX works
Instead of the stock market itself, the VIX tracks the price at which S&P 500 options are exercised.
Choose whether to buy or sell the VIX
There are two primary positions you can take when opening a bet on the VIX: long or short. It's vital to keep in mind that volatility traders are more concerned with whether the market is volatile than whether the price of the S&P 500 will climb or decrease, as they can profit from either outcome.